by Lorena Moscalu | Nov 13, 2019 | Latest News
For years now, fiber optic has been taking over the copper industry. While it’s true that fiber can be somewhat pricier (in what comes to equipment and training) it’s all well worth because of its impressive high-speeds and efficiency rates. Is there...
by Lorena Moscalu | May 3, 2019 | Latest News
These days, everyone is talking about the advantages of setting up a fiber optic network for your business instead of copper cabling. While it is clear that both offer benefits, more often than not, fiber optic turns out to be the most advantageous choice. Here are a...
by Lorena Moscalu | Mar 20, 2019 | Latest News
The copper stood once at the very basis of communications technology. The POTS (plain old telephone system) dates back 100+ years ago and its design was bas based on the Alexander Graham Bell’s system from 1876. The telephone network was fully bi-directional and...
by Lorena Moscalu | Sep 25, 2018 | Latest News
It is a known fact that information travels faster down fiber optic cable than in copper. But did you ever asked WHY? Fiber optic technology sends pulses of light and data is carried along strands of glass or plastic, while the copper wires use electrical currents. In...
by Lorena Moscalu | Aug 15, 2018 | Latest News
By now, everyone knows that fiber optic cables are considerably faster than copper. But did you ever ask why? Fiber optic transmits light, while copper conducts electricity. The signal in fiber optic patch cord travels through glass at two thirds the speed of light....