Unlike copper-based telecommunications, fiber optic cables transmit data faster, more reliably and without the risk of electromagnetic disturbances. As of 2006, submarine fiber optic cables accounted for 99 percent of all international data exchanged. Today, 25 percent of internet data usage in the United States is over fiber optic cables.

Fiber-optic cables currently extend more than 113,000 miles throughout the U.S. As the cost to maintain DSL and Cable infrastructure approaches the cost to install new fiber-optic cables, internet providers will likely increase fiber optic coverage in the U.S.

It wasn’t until engineers solved issues of diminishing signal strength and cost effective material that fiber optics became feasible. Today, fiber-optic cables can deliver an impressive amount of data at the speed of light between computers, countries, and continents

We have stripped apart how these fiber-optic cables work, revealing how microscopically thin glass tunnels deliver data at the speed of light between computers, countries and continents.

The Anatomy of Fiber-Optic Cables

Fiber-optic cables can contain several hundred fibers, each about one tenth the thickness of a human hair. To ensure the light particles, or photons, being transmitted do not escape, a layer of cladding covers the fibers. Most cladding is infused with boron and germanium, which assists in keeping the light waves contained.

Fiber-optic cables today can contain several hundred fibers each about one tenth the thickness of a human hair. Many cable configurations include these layers shown, meant to assure signal fidelity and to protect the delicate fiber optics within.

The fibers surround a solid core for strength and any gaps are filled with an insulation of plastic coating, often with kevlar fibers. A copper sheath and waterproof barrier typically surround the inner components. Some cables even have two additional layers of steel to prolong the useful life expectancy. Finally, a plastic coating, usually polyethylene, is added for durability and moisture resistance.

The Physics of Fiber Optics

The science behind fiber optics builds on the work of Irish physicist John Tyndall. In 1854 he demonstrated that light traveling through a stream of water will bend to follow the water’s path.

In 1854, Irish physicist John Tyndall famously demonstrated that light traveling through a stream of water will bend to follow the water’s path. A phenomenon called “total internal reflection” makes this possible and is the mechanism behind fiber optic technology

Like the light in Tyndall’s experience, information is passed through a fiber-optic cable by shining light, which bounces off the glass walls of the cable. For the light to be reflected, it must approach the fiber’s glass wall at what is known as the critical angle. Above this angle is where the glass wall acts like a mirror, allowing the photons to bounce off. If the photons collide with the boundary at an angle less than the critical angle, the light will escape, or be refracted. This is called total internal reflection.

As light travels through a transparent medium, such as glass in fiber-optic cables, the photons will remain within the medium if the conditions are right. Depending on the angle that a photon strikes the edge of the medium, it will either reflect back inside or escape. This is how we can get light to bend along a desired path

How Fiber-Optic Data is Transmitted

Fiber-optic cables transmit data through pulse code modulation, which converts your analog data into binary, the language of computers comprised of 1’s and 0’s. Quick flashes of light transmit this string of binary data. A flash represents a “1” and an equal period of darkness represents a “0”, similar to Morse code. The signal originates from a transmitter, which focuses light into the fibers.

Fiber-optic cables transmit data through pulse code modulation which converts your analog data into binary code, consisting of 1s and 0s. A pulse of light represents 1, and no light represents 0. Once received, the binary is interpreted back into the original message

Once the binary string has been successfully delivered to the receiving station a photocell optical receiverconverts the light into an electrical signal. This is no small task as the signal is traveling over 120,000 miles per second!

Fiber Optic Amplification

Even when traveling at such speed, the signal in a fiber-optic cable gets dimmer due to impurities in the fiber. The signal must be amplified so it can reach its destination.

Due to a phenomenon called attenuation, data can be lost when traveling long distances. Therefore, signal amplification is often necessary. Many of today’s amps use materials that have special properties, allowing them to renew the signal strength without having to decode and recode the signal

Submarine Fiber Optic Cables

In order to submerge fiber-optic cables, ships are equipped with specialized tools like cranes, plows, massive spools of cable and remotely operated vehicles. When submerging cables in shallow waters, such as on a continental shelf, a crane lowers a 32-ton plow to dig a trench for the cable on the seafloor.

Ships equipped with massive spools of fiber-optic cables, plows, and remote vehicles dig, lay, and bury the cables that connect continents

Once the cable is in the trench, the remote-operated vehicle fills the trench and safely covers the cable. Even with this protection, cables can still break due to anchors, earthquakes and fishing nets.


Fiber-optic cables have greatly improved global communications and have become increasingly popular as a way to transmit data quickly. The majority of cables installed in the last two decades have been between the U.S. and Asia, as their mutual economic influence and communication requirements continue to expand.

With over one billion new internet users projected to come online by 2020, new fiber optic cables will likely follow the linear growth in bandwidth requirements.

Source: The Bookmark

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